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Three Two Run workout concept and personal training

+44 7872 936297 12th Floor, Wellness Studio, Working From_ Southwark, 32 Blackfriars Road London, SE1 9PB
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Class Booking FAQ

Class Booking


If you need some extra help booking your fitness classes, check out our class booking FAQ below!

How do I book a class?


Check out our range of exercise classes here. Select a class from the timetable, sign up and follow the payment steps to secure your booking!

How do I book a class package?


Visit our classes page and select either a 1 (30 or 45 minute class), 10 or 20 class package option. Choose your package, sign up and then enter your payment details. With a class package, you will be able to sign into the customer portal and book your classes at a later date.

Do I need to verify my email to sign into the portal?


Yes, you will need to verify your email to log into the portal. Please check your junk inbox. Once verified, head to here to sign in.

I have booked a class package, how do I choose my classes in the portal?


To choose a class, you will need to log into the customer portal and select ‘Choose My Dates’ to book your selected classes.

How long do I have to use my class package?


You will have 3 months to attend all classes from the date of the first class booked.

Can I book a single class in the portal?


Currently, you can only purchase class packages within the portal. You can purchase a 1 class package, and book a class at a later date. However, if you know what class you want to book please visit our classes page here, and select a single class from the timetable, which will take you straight to your payment details if already signed in.

Do I have to keep entering my details at the checkout?


If you’re logged in when you book a class or package, some of your details will be saved such as your name, email and phone. You will have to enter your payment details each time, but a way to make the booking process faster is by selecting ‘Securely save my information for 1- click checkout’ at the checkout. This will automatically sign you up to Link. Verify your email address to set up your account and then the next time you book a class there will be a 1 step process for payment!

How do I cancel or change a class?


Log into the customer portal and click on the ‘Choose My Dates’ menu if you need to cancel or reschedule your classes. Select your package, then unselect your highlighted class to cancel. You can then select your new class to book.

How long do I have to cancel or change my class?


Due to the bespoke small classes we run we require 72 hours to cancel or reschedule your class otherwise unfortunately the class credit will be lost.

Why is a class not as showing available to book?


This may be because the class is full. Please refer to the class timetable. If this showing as available get in contact with [email protected] so we can help.

How do I log into the customer portal?


You can log into the portal from the classes page, or you can select customer portal from the website menu.



Check out our range of small group training classes in London.